Transcendence Prayer

By Stephen W. Hiemstra

Almighty Father,

All praise and honor, power and dominion, truth and justice are yours because you sent Jesus to live among us, to die on the cross, and to be raised from the dead to atone for our sins. Thank you Jesus!

Forgive our hardened hearts that have relished sin, transgressed your law, and practiced iniquity without bounds. Soften our hearts.

Thank you for first loving us that we might be forgiven and approach you as children approach their good fathers. Do not become impatient with us.

In the power of your Holy Spirit, draw us to yourself: open our hearts, illumine our thoughts, and strengthen our hands in your service, today and always, that we might rest with you.

In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Transcendence Prayer

Also see:

The Face of God in the Parables

The Who Question

Preface to a Life in Tension

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